Jan Katzen, AMI, CFP, CN

Jan Katzen, AMI, CFP, CN has studied nutrition and health under the guidance of professor Michael Crawford, expert in brain chemistry and human nutrition. She interned with Nim Barnes, founder of Foresight Preconceptual Care (Bognor Regis, England).

She is a former AMI (Association Montessori lnternationale) educator and publishes scientific articles and books on nutrition with a focus on preconception health, brain and child development. Jan has served on advisory boards of The McGarrison Society, The Mother and Child Foundation (UK), The Montessori Education for Autism Foundation (UK), and Epap nutritionals in South Africa.

Jan works for a developmental pediatrician and maintains a private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. She specializes in nutrition evaluation and resolution plans for couples planning pregnancy, adults, adolescents (anxiety, depression), and families of children with neurodevelopmental, learning, behavioral, and emotional challenges. Telephone or Skype consultations available.

Jan is the nutrition instructional guide for The Center for Guided Montessori Studies teacher training program and consults with schools to review food preparation and meal/snack adequacy programs. She is available for continuing education courses for educators and health professionals.

Jan loves hiking, playing and composing music on the piano, and searching out and promoting local farmer’s markets and restaurants serving pasture fed animals, wild fish, and organic fare from local purveyors. She also loves nutritional education and lecturing to groups because it gives her an opportunity to talk about her favorite subject – Food!  Learn more about Jan.
