Many different types of people can benefit by accessing the variety of resources available in the Montessori Library:

Trained teachers who subscribe will enjoy access to resource albums, video lectures and material demonstrations in each curriculum area and philosophical topic. Teachers are able to refresh their knowledge, to explore extensions and to further one’s understand by learning from experienced trainers.

Teaching Assistants
Teacher’s Assistants, or Paraprofessionals can bring their best to their classroom. Montessori teaching assistants will understand the philosophy and practice for all curriculum areas, as well as gain knowledge of best practices in classroom management, lesson guidelines, working as an effective teaching team and much more.

Parents of Montessori students will gain a deeper understanding of the Montessori method and how it is practiced day-to-day in the classroom. Homeschooling parents can begin to understand and utilize best Montessori practices in their teaching environments for all ages. Handmade, as well as purchased, materials will be explained and their usage demonstrated. Parents will understand the scope and sequence of each curriculum area and better understand the developing child’s needs.

Montessori school administrators have often received Montessori training years before assuming the role as an administrator or have not yet trained as a Montessori educator. As a subscribers, administrators will gain insight on cultivating an enriching Montessori parent-school community, working with a diverse staff and parent body and how Montessori is best implemented in the classroom.

Other Staff
Other staff will benefit from subscriptions to the Montessori Library, whether they are support staff such as floaters or nutrition guides, volunteers or enrichment teachers. Classroom management happens in and out of the classroom, and these staff persons will benefit from best practices in interacting with both students and the remaining community, as well as understand more fully the fascets of child development needs at various age levels.

Prospective Teachers
Those who are beginning to learn more about the work of a Montessori teacher will get the full scope and sequence of effectively implementing the Montessori philosophy as well as fascets of a well-run classroom environment. From educational and developmental philosophy to how Montessorians present and create materials, those wondering if Montessori is the right path for them will gain a thorough understanding of how enriching the method can be for themselves and their future students.

Anyone Curious about Montessori
While many theories exist about what authentic Montessori is, the Montessori Library subscription is a definitive resource to use when beginning to learn about the many aspects of this century-old method of teaching and learning. Subscribers will understand how to describe and recognize an authentic Montessori environment, and will better understand the ideas behind the increasingly-popular educational practice.