Paul Epstein, PhD

Paul has worked in Montessori education since 1976 as an administrator, teacher, researcher, consultant, speaker, and author. His administrative experiences include working as a head of schools, executive director of a school consulting agency, director of teacher education programs, and coordinator of a public school magnet program. As a teacher educator, Paul has worked as a director of Montessori teacher education programs for both the early childhood and secondary programs. He has been a Montessori classroom teacher in Montessori early childhood, middle and high school programs. He earned his doctorate in Cultural Anthropology and Montessori teacher certifications in early childhood and secondary levels one and two from the American Montessori Society. He was an associate professor of education at Transylvania University and an adjunct professor of education at Northwestern University.

Paul co-authored the book The Montessori Way – a definitive work on the Montessori experience. He is also the author of An Observer’s Notebook: Learning from Children with the Observation C.O.R.E.
