It’s Time to Check Some Monte-assumptions

$30.00 / month



One of the few positive side effects of trying to conduct an authentic Montessori program in the midst of a pandemic has been that we had been forced to re-think the nature of the prepared environment, our instructional practices, and our relations and communications with students, fellow staff, and parents. Perhaps it is an ideal time to take a fresh look at some of our long-standing assumptions – about the use of technology, parent engagement, the classroom teaching team, learning different children, and many more. In this webinar created and conducted by Jonathan Wolff, we will discuss Montessori practices we need to reaffirm and retain, those that may need some alteration or updating, and those we may wish to delete from our classroom communities. This will be a highly interactive session, in which you will have an opportunity to share ideas and ask questions about your program and practices.

Subscribers receive:
  • Two 90-minute webinars
  • Full color accompanying workbook
Topics include:
  • Rethinking the Prepared Environment
  • Rethinking our instructional practice
  • Rethinking our communication methods
Presenters include: