Writing from the Heart

$30.00 / month



Writing from the Heart: The Writer’s Workshop Approach to teaching Authentic Narrative Writing
Facilitated by Julie Cash
This two session webinar will introduce you to Writer’s Workshop for the elementary multiage Montessori classroom. Including not only theoretical ideas, but many practical suggestions and examples, you will come away with a solid understanding of the what’s, why’s, and how’s of this approach to developing a community of writers. We will discuss definitions, goals, tools, and look at examples of children’s writing and videos of Writer’s Workshop in action. While implementing Writer’s Workshop in the multi-age classroom is typically not addressed by the experts, it can be adapted, and (as we know) will actually benefit from the interactions between a wide range of writers. Motivated, invested and joyful writers will flourish in your classroom!
Julie Cash was in the first CGMS cohort, starting in 2008, at what was then a new public Montessori school in Kingston, New York. Recently retired, Julie graduated from the Bank Street School of Education, and has taught preschool through grade 3 in public and private schools for 30 years. She is trained in The Responsive Classroom approach, and did summer courses at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Julie’s particular interests have been building community in the classroom, Writer’s Workshop, literature, and singing with her guitar throughout the day. Children’s developing writing continues to be a passion and she currently leads a voluntary writing group, online, for 8 of her former students.

Facilitated by Julie Cash This two session webinar will introduce you to Writer’s Workshop for the elementary multiage Montessori classroom. Including not only theoretical ideas, but many practical suggestions and examples, you will come away with a solid understanding of the what’s, why’s, and how’s of this approach to developing a community of writers. We will discuss definitions, goals, tools, and look at examples of children’s writing and videos of Writer’s Workshop in action. While implementing Writer’s Workshop in the multi-age classroom is typically not addressed by the experts, it can be adapted, and (as we know) will actually benefit from the interactions between a wide range of writers. Motivated, invested and joyful writers will flourish in your classroom!


Subscribers receive:
  • Two 90-minute webinars
Topics include:
  • Writer's Workshop
  • Developing a community of writers
  • Interactions between a wide range of writers
Presenters include: